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Silver Route

During the last 1000 years, millions of footsteps have gone across the Way of St. James through the Silver Route, a geographic space full of natural settings and historic cities and towns. We have 23 options available and you can choose between our best accommodations: Hotels, Rural Houses, Inns and Private Hostels.

Click on View Options to access all the information.

Salamanca - Santiago de Compostela en Bicicleta
Salamanca - Santiago de Compostela en Bicicleta
  • HomeSalamanca
  • EndSantiago de Compostela
  • Distance469 Km.
Price table
Charming hotels and housesFrom 1,100 €9 días / 8 nightsMore informationBook now
Guesthouses / InnsFrom 850 €9 días / 8 nightsMore informationBook now
Sevilla - Monesterio a Pie
Sevilla - Monesterio a Pie
  • HomeSevilla
  • EndMonesterio
  • Distance99 Km.
Price table
Charming hotels and housesFrom 650 €7 días / 6 nightsMore informationBook now
Guesthouses / InnsFrom 540 €7 días / 6 nightsMore informationBook now
Private hostelsFrom 250 €7 días / 6 nightsMore informationBook now
Monesterio - Merida a Pie
Monesterio - Merida a Pie
  • HomeMonesterio
  • EndMerida
  • Distance99 Km.
Price table
Charming hotels and housesFrom 675 €7 días / 6 nightsMore informationBook now
Guesthouses / InnsFrom 575 €7 días / 6 nightsMore informationBook now
Private hostelsFrom 260 €7 días / 6 nightsMore informationBook now
Merida - Caceres a Pie
Merida - Caceres a Pie
  • HomeMerida
  • EndCaceres
  • Distance67 Km.
Price table
Charming hotels and housesFrom 570 €6 días / 5 nightsMore informationBook now
Guesthouses / InnsFrom 490 €6 días / 5 nightsMore informationBook now
Private hostelsFrom 250 €6 días / 5 nightsMore informationBook now
Caceres - Baños de Montemayor a Pie
Caceres - Baños de Montemayor a Pie
  • HomeCaceres
  • EndBaños de Montemayor
  • Distance150 Km.
Price table
Charming hotels and housesFrom 740 €8 días / 7 nightsMore informationBook now
Guesthouses / InnsFrom 620 €8 días / 7 nightsMore informationBook now
Private hostelsFrom 290 €8 días / 7 nightsMore informationBook now
Baños de Montemayor - Salamanca a Pie
Baños de Montemayor - Salamanca a Pie
  • HomeBaños de Montemayor
  • EndSalamanca
  • Distance84 Km.
Price table
Charming hotels and housesFrom 540 €6 días / 5 nightsMore informationBook now
Guesthouses / InnsFrom 460 €6 días / 5 nightsMore informationBook now
Private hostelsFrom 180 €6 días / 5 nightsMore informationBook now
Salamanca - Benavente a Pie
Salamanca - Benavente a Pie
  • HomeSalamanca
  • EndBenavente
  • Distance126 Km.
Price table
Charming hotels and housesFrom 740 €8 días / 7 nightsMore informationBook now
Guesthouses / InnsFrom 620 €8 días / 7 nightsMore informationBook now
Private hostelsFrom 290 €8 días / 7 nightsMore informationBook now
Benavente - Astorga a Pie
Benavente - Astorga a Pie
  • HomeBenavente
  • EndAstorga
  • Distance61 Km.
Price table
Charming hotels and housesFrom 440 €5 días / 4 nightsMore informationBook now
Guesthouses / InnsFrom 400 €5 días / 4 nightsMore informationBook now
Private hostelsFrom 210 €5 días / 4 nightsMore informationBook now